Advisor for RENOVATION, REPAIR, REAL ESTATE and CONSTRUCTION for foreigners living in Japan

Glossary of Real Estate Terms in Japan-せ(SE),ぜ(ZE)-

Real estate Terms -せ(SE),ぜ(ZE)-

制震構造 [SEISHIN KOUZOU] (せいしん こうぞう)

Building structure to absorb vibrations caused by earthquakes. It is mainly used in high-rise buildings.

*免震構造 [MENSHIN KOUZOU](めんしん こうぞう): To minimize the shaking caused by a major earthquake and lessen the risk of disaster due to psychological fear or furniture falling over, rubber is inserted between the building’s foundation and its base.


生前贈与 [SEIZEN ZOUYO] (せいぜん ぞうよ)

Giving one’s property to others during one’s lifetime.


税理士 [ZEIRISHI] (ぜいりし)

A person who obtains a license and performs tax-related work as a profession. Qualifications are granted in accordance with the Certified Public Tax Accountant Act.

Only licensed tax accountants are allowed to perform the following jobs related to taxes as a business.
(1) Representing a party in filing a tax return or application on behalf of that party (tax agent)
(2) Preparing tax returns, etc. (tax documents)
(3) Consultation on tax calculation and other matters (tax consultation)

These tasks are called “taxation services” and are the exclusive business of the tax accountant.

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政令指定都市 [SEIREI SHITEI TOSHI](せいれいしていとし)

A city designated by government ordinance with a population of 500,000 or more that is authorized to handle certain affairs of the prefecture. SEIREI SHITEI TOSHI may establish 区 [KU](く) “wards” by ordinance to divide the city area.

*These are cities of SEIREI SHITEI TOSHI

大阪[OSAKA](おおさか)、名古屋[NAGAYA](なごや)、京都[KYOTO](きょうと)、横浜[YOKOHAMA](よこはま)、神戸[KOBE](こうべ)、北九州[KITA KYUSYU](きたきゅうしゅう)、札幌[SAPPORO](さっぽろ)、川崎[KAWASAKI](かわさき)、福岡[FUKUOKA](ふくおか)、広島[HIROSHIMA](ひろしま)、仙台[SENDAI](せんだい)、千葉[ちば](CHIBA)、さいたま[SAITAMA](さいたま)、静岡[SHIZUOKA](しずおか)、堺[SAKAI](さかい)、新潟[NIIGATA](にいがた)、浜松[HAMAMATSU](はままつ)、岡山[OKAYAMA](おかやま)、相模原[SAGAMIHARA](さがみはら)、熊本[KUMAMOTO](くまもと)


セカンドハウス [SECOND HOUSE] (せかんどはうす)

A separate dwelling set up away from the main residence. It is Japanese English. Often located in summer resort areas and used for recreation and other purposes. Same meaning as 別荘 [別荘] (べっそう)”villa”.


石綿 [SEKIMEN, ISHIWATA] (せきめん, いしわた)

Asbestos. It was used in large quantities as a building material for insulation, heat insulation and fireproofing. Asbestos fibers were found to cause lung cancer and mesothelioma when inhaled into the lungs, and the use of blowing was banned in 1975, followed by the gradual tightening of restrictions on its use and a total ban on its import, manufacture and use in 2006.



施工会社 [SEKOU GAISHA] (せこうがいしゃ)

A company that carries out and completes construction work. SEKOU means to carry out construction work. A contract in which the construction company completes the work and  建築主[KENCHIKU NUSHI](けんちくぬし)”client”, “builder” is paid for the results of the work is called a 工事請負契約[KOUJI  UKEOI KEIYAKU](こうじうけおいけいやく)”construction contract”.


設計 [SEKKEI] (せっけい)

design, designing


石膏ボード [SEKKOU BOARD] (せっこうぼーど)

In Japan, it is widely used as a base material for walls and ceilings.


セットバック [SET BACK] (せっとばっく)

On lots that face 2項道路 [Nikou Douro](にこうどうろ)”a section 2 road” (Since the width of the road is less than 4 meters and the road is not wide enough for fire protection, etc., it is prohibited to build buildings, walls, etc., within 4 meters.), it means that you can’t build on a certain portion of your property, even though it is your own. This is called a setback in the real estate industry.


善管注意義務 [ZENKAN CHUI GIMU] (ぜんかんちゅういぎむ)

The duty of care that would be required in a general and objective manner.


専任媒介契約 [SENNIN BAIKAI KEIYAKU] (せんにんばいかいけいやく)

[Contracts for exclusive real estate brokerage]

When the client buys or sells a house or building, he or she enters into a brokerage contract with a real estate company. In the case of  SENNIN BAIKAI KEIYAKU, the client must not make a brokerage contract with any other real estate company.


専属専任媒介契約 [SENZOKU SENNIN BAIKAI KEIYAKU] (せんぞくせんにんばいかいけいやく)

When the client buys or sells a house or building, he or she enters into a brokerage contract with a real estate company. In the case of  SENZOKU SENNIN BAIKAI KEIYAKU, the client must not make a brokerage contract with any other real estate company. Besides, even if the client finds a seller or buyer on their own when they sell or buy a property, they must sign the contract through the real estate agent’s intermediary that they have hired.

全部事項証明書 [ZENBUJIKOU SHOUMEISHO] (ぜんぶじこうしょうめいしょ)

A document showing all the contents of the real estate register and certifying that it is genuine.


専有部分 [SENYU BUBUN] (せんゆうぶぶん)

The part of a building in a condominium that is owned solely by each of the unit owners