Advisor for RENOVATION, REPAIR, REAL ESTATE and CONSTRUCTION for foreigners living in Japan

Glossary of Real Estate Terms in Japan-て(TE),で(DE)-


Real estate Terms -て(TE),で(DE)-


TMK [TMK] (とくていもくてきかいしゃ)

abbreviated name for 特定目的会社 [TOKUTEI MOKUTEKI KAISHA] (とくていもくてきかいしゃ)

A special association established under the Act on Securitization of Assets, which is a corporation established solely for the purpose of issuing securities backed by specific assets.

It is usually referred to as an SPC (Special Purpose Company). It is a type of paper company used for the securitization of real estate and is dissolved when the assets are disposed of.


DCF法 [DCF HOU] (でぃすかうんと きゃっしゅ ふろー ほう)

In real estate appraisal, this is one of the methods for determining the value of the subject property based on its earnings (capitalization method).
It is a method of converting the net income that the subject property is expected to generate in the future to the present value, and using the sum of these present values as the asset value.


定款 [TEIKAN] (ていかん)

Company contract. The basic rules of a general incorporated association or a corporation, etc., or records describing them.


定期借家契約 [TEIKI SHAKKA KEIYAKU] (ていきしゃっかけいやく)

Fixed-term tenancy. This is a tenancy agreement that terminates the lease relationship at the end of the contract period. This is a type of contract based on the Land and House Lease Law 借地借家法 [SHAKUCHI SHAKKA HOU] (しゃくちしゃっかほう) .

In order to protect the tenant, the landlord cannot refuse to renew the contract unless there are legitimate reasons to do so, but there are no such restrictions in a fixed-term tenancy.


定期建物賃貸借 [TEIKI TATEMONO CHINTAISHAKU] (ていき たてもの ちんたいしゃく)

A lease of a building with a special agreement that the contract will not be renewed.

It is also referred to as “fixed term tenancy”.

In the case of a normal building lease contract, a justifiable reason is required for refusing to renew or terminate the contract, and the lease relationship tends to be prolonged. Therefore, in order to facilitate the supply of rented houses, it was admitted to make a special agreement to fix the lease term and not to renew the term afterwards since March 2000.


ディスクシリンダー錠 [DISC CYLINDER JOU] (でぃすく しりんだー じょう)

A lock with discs lined up inside the cylinder so that it can be unlocked by a key that controls the combination of them.


邸宅=屋敷 [TEITAKU=YASHIKI] (ていたく=やしき)

A large and spacious residence.


抵当権 [TEITOUKEN] (ていとうけん)

The rights that a financial institution establishes on the land and building of a house to be purchased when taking out a mortgage or other loan.

If the claim is not paid, the creditor may, based on the mortgage, auction the real property as collateral and use the proceeds of the auction as payment of his/her claim


ディベロッパー=不動産開発業者 [DEVELOPER=FUDOUSAN KAIHATSU GYOUSHA] (でべろっぱー=ふどうさん かいはつ ぎょうしゃ)



ディンプルキー [DIMPLE KEY] (でぃんぷるきー)

Numerous small indentations on the surface, which control the pins lined up in the cylinder. It is considered to be an excellent anti-picking measure because of the difficulty of duplicating keys.


デザイナーズ住宅 [DESIGNERS JYUTAKU] (でざいなーず じゅうたく)

A house that is well designed for living. Although there is no clear definition, value added by design is important.

Generally, it is not only the appearance, but also comfort, ease of use, safety and durability.


鉄筋コンクリート造 [TEKKIN CONCLETE ZOU] (てっきん こんくりーと ぞう)

A structure in which columns, small beams, large beams, slabs, and walls are constructed using reinforcing steel and concrete, and all parts are integrated.


手付≒解約手付 [TETSUKE≒KAIYAKU TETSUKE] (てつけ≒かいやくてつけ)

Deposit. Money delivered by one party to the other at the time of the conclusion of a contract such as a sales contract, contractor’s agreement, lease contract, etc.

When the parties have performed their obligations in accordance with the contract, the deposit is applied to a portion of the price.

Generally speaking, the majority of TETSUKEs are considered to be 解約手付 [KAIYAKU TESTUKE](かいやくてつけ).

The contract can be terminated at will by surrendering the money of 手付[TETSUKE] (てつけ)=手付金 [TETSUKE KIN] (てつけきん), or redeeming double the amount of the TETSUKE KIN.

If the buyer delivers a TETSUKE KIN to the seller at the time the sales contract is concluded and the buyer waives the TETSUKE KIN, the contract can be cancelled at any time and the buyer is not required to pay any 損害賠償 [SONGAI BAISHOU] (そんがい ばいしょう) compensation for damages other than the amount equivalent to the TETSUKE KIN  (this is called “手付流し [TETSUKE NAGASHI] (てつけながし) “release of the deposit”.
The seller may also cancel the contract at any time by redeeming the purchaser for twice the amount of the deposit and does not have to pay any compensation for damages other than the amount equivalent to the TETSUKE KIN (this is called 手付倍返し [TETSUKE BAIGAESHI] (てつけばいがえし) . In this way, the seller can leave the contract of sale at any time by simply bearing the expense of the amount equivalent to the TETSUKE KIN.


テナント [TENANT] (てなんと)

A tenant of an office building or commercial space.


出窓 [DEMADO] (でまど)

A window protruding outward from an exterior wall.

According to the Building Code, if the length of a window projecting outward from an exterior wall is less than 50 cm, this protrusion is excluded from the floor area.


テラスハウス [TERRACE HOUSE] (てらすはうす)

A two-story row of dwellings. Each dwelling unit’s lot is solely owned by each dwelling unit.


電気温水器 [DENKI ONSUI KI] (でんきおんすいき)

Electric equipment that uses inexpensive late-night electricity to boil hot water at night and stores it in a hot water storage tank to supply hot water for the kitchen, sink, bath, shower, etc.


電気工事士 [DENKI KOUJI SHI] (でんきこうじし)

Electrician. In order to protect the safety of electrical equipment in buildings, factories, shops, and homes, it has been decided by law that only those with certain qualifications are allowed to carry out electrical work, depending on the nature of the work.
A person with these qualifications is called DENKI KOUJI SHI.


電子署名 [DENSHI SHOMEI] (でんししょめい)

A mechanism to ensure that the person who created the electromagnetic record (electronic document) and the record that was created have not been tampered with.

An electronic document that has been digitally signed is considered to be authenticated in the same way as a document that has been signed and sealed.


転出届 [TENSYUTSU TODOKE] (てんしゅつ とどけ)

Documents to be submitted when moving to a different municipality. You are required to submit this document under the 住民基本台帳法 [JYUMIN KIHON DAICHOU HOU] (じゅうみん きほん だいちょう ほう) Basic Resident Registration Act.

The notification of change of address should be submitted to the office of the municipality in which the municipality has relocated, and it must be submitted between 14 days before and 14 days after the move. As a general rule, the notification should be made in person at the municipal office, but it is also possible to delegate the notification to a proxy or mail it in.

When the moving-out notification is accepted, a 転出証明書 [TENSYUTSU SHOUMEISHO] (てんしゅつ しょうめいしょ) “moving-out certificate” is issued. This certificate must be attached to your moving-in notification to the municipality you are moving to.

Municipalities are responsible for 健康保険 [KENKOU HOKEN] (けんこうほけん) “health insurance”, 国民年金 [KOKUMIN NENKIN] (こくみんねんきん) “national pensions”, various benefits and other services for their residents, and much of the administrative work is handled based on the entry in the certificate of residence. Since the creation and removal of the resident’s card due to a change of address is, in principle, carried out on the basis of notification, failure to do so may result in disadvantages.


転貸借 [TENTAISHAKU] (てんたいしゃく)

A tenant (B) who leases an object from its owner (A) and allows a third party sub-lessee (C) to make use of it for profit.


伝統工法 [DENTOU KOUHOU] (でんとう こうほう)

The traditional Japanese wood-frame construction method before the influence of Western architecture.

Instead of using metallic materials, the buildings are constructed using only wood, taking advantage of the characteristics of wood.

The values of coexisting with, rather than opposing, nature, and the advanced wisdom and ingenuity to skillfully utilize a variety of uneven natural materials can be seen in these buildings.

It is used for wooden buildings, such as temples and shrines, and has many advantages, such as the beauty of the wooden framework, strength against earthquakes, durability, and ease of maintenance.


天袋 [TENBUKURO] (てんぶくろ)

Cupboards built at or close to the ceiling