Advisor for RENOVATION, REPAIR, REAL ESTATE and CONSTRUCTION for foreigners living in Japan

Glossary of Real Estate Terms in Japan-い(I)-

Real estate Terms -い-

位置指定道路=道路位置指定 [ICHI SHITEI DOURO=DOURO ICHI SHITEI] (いちしていどうろ=どうろいちしてい)

The designation of the location of a 私道 [SHIDOU] (しどう) “private road” by a local government.
By being designated as “DOURO ICHI SHITEI”, the private road can become a “Road under the Building Code”.
Therefore, when building on the land bordering on the private road only, it is necessary to obtain “DOURO ICHI SHITEI” for the private road first.
In order to obtain the “LDOURO ICHI SHITEI”, the width of the private road should be at least 4m.


一級建築士 [IKKYUU KENCHIKUSHI] (いっきゅうけんちくし)

Architect 1. Qualifications to be able to design and manage the construction of a building. The design and construction management of buildings must be carried out by first-class, second-class, or wooden architects, depending on the use, structure, and scale of the building (Building Standards Law)


委任状 [ININ JO] (いにんじょう)



犬走り [INU BASHIRI] (いぬばしり)

Elongated passages or flat areas between hedges and ditches or on the slopes of banks


違法貸ルーム [IHOU KASHI RUUMU] (いほうかしるーむ)

A building that claims to be used for purposes other than residential use, but which is inhabited by a large number of people, or a building, etc. in which a single dwelling unit of an apartment or a detached house is renovated and used for the residential use of a large number of people, but which does not meet the fire prevention regulations, etc. as a residential facility. They are often found in inexpensive shared houses.


印鑑証明書 [INKAN SHOUMEI SHO] (いんかんしょうめいしょ)

Certificate of a seal impression
*A personal seal that has been registered with the municipality is called 実印 [JITSUIN] (じついん).  JITSUIN can be issued INKAN SHOUMEI SHO.


移住 [IJYU] (いじゅう)

Moving to a new place to live. It is a case of relocating the home base of one’s life. There is no clear definition, but it is used like “regional migration” or “overseas migration”.  Temporarily residing elsewhere is not a migration. Also, in general, relocating to a neighborhood is not considered relocation.


一戸建て [IKKO DATE] (いっこだて) = 一軒家 [IKKEN YA] (いっけんや)

An independent house or a detached house. In contrast, a building consisting of multiple dwelling units is called an “集合住宅 [SYUGO JYUTAKU] (しゅうごうじゅうたく)” or “共同住宅 [KYODO JYUTAKU] (きょうどうじゅうたく)= apartment complex”.


一筆 [IPPITSU] (いっぴつ)

A unit that refers to a piece of land is called a “筆 [PITSU] (ぴつ)” on Land Register. This 筆 unit does not always match the actual size of the land.


居抜き [INUKI] (いぬき)

Buying, selling or renting a store or factory with the goods, equipment, fixtures, and fittings inside the store or factory in the same condition in which they are installed.


違反建築物 [IHAN KENCHIKU BUTSU] (いはんけんちくぶつ)

Buildings that are in violation of the Building Standard Law or the Urban Planning Law. It may be illegal as a result of an extension or change of use after construction.
*既存不適格建築物 [KIZON FUTEKIKAKU KENCHIKUBUTSU] (きぞん ふてきかく けんちくぶつ) : A building made illegal by a change in law or urban planning is an “existing ineligible building” and is not “IHAN KENCHIKU BUTSU”.


違約金 [IYAKUKIN] (いやくきん)

Penalty, a certain amount of money must be paid by a non-defaulting party to the other party.


印紙税 [INSHI ZEI] (いんしぜい)

Stamp duty