Advisor for RENOVATION, REPAIR, REAL ESTATE and CONSTRUCTION for foreigners living in Japan

Glossary of Real Estate Terms in Japan-こ(KO),ご(GO)-

Real estate Terms -こ(KO),ご(GO)-

コーポラティブハウス [CORPORATIVE HOUSE] (こーぽらてぃぶ はうす)

The term refers to a house built by a cooperative construction method in which the prospective tenants form a cooperative in advance and the members of the cooperative form a partnership. Those members are supposed to own the land and buildings in common.


コインランドリー [COIN LAUNDRY] (こいん らんどりー)

Self-service laundry. Launderette. [Loanwords (和製英語 [WASEI EIGO]Japanese-made English)]


コーポ [CO PO] (こーぽ)

One of the names given to an apartment building. [Loanwords (和製英語 [WASEI EIGO] from cooperative house]


工業地域 [KOUGYOU CHIIKI] (こうぎょう ちいき)

Areas designated primarily to promote industrial convenience. Schools, hotels, kindergartens, universities, hospitals, movie theaters, etc. cannot be built.


更新料 [KOSHIN RYOU] (こうしんりょう)

It means “renewal fee”. A typical rental agreement is two years. The fee you pay to renew your lease every two years. Depending on the area, some areas have renewal fees and others do not. Kanto and Kyoto have renewal fees. Even in the Kansai area, there are no renewal fees in all other prefectures except Kyoto.


更新料 [KOSHIN RYOU] (こうしんりょう)

Refers to all of the artifacts that settle on the land. Not only buildings, but also advertising pillar etc,. are “artifacts”.


工作物 [KOUSAKUBUTSU] (こうさくぶつ)

The price of land published by the Land Appraisal Committee under the Land Value Public Notice Act


公示価格 [KOUJI KAKAKU] (こうじかかく)

Notarized document.

*公証人 [KOUSHOUNIN] (こうしょうにん): notary public


公正証書 [KOUSEI SHOUSHO] (こうせいしょうしょ)

Public order and morals (idiom); orderliness


公序良俗 [KOUJO RYOUZOKU] (こうじょりょうぞく)

A map that is available at the registration office, on which the land is written on every 筆 [PITSU] (ぴつ). It is designed to show at a glance the shape of the land and its position in relation to the adjacent land. It can be inspected and copied at the registration office.

*A unit that refers to a piece of land is called a “筆 [PITSU] (ぴつ)” on Land Register. This 筆 unit does not always match the actual size of the land. 一筆 [IPPITSU] (いっぴつ) is 1 pitsu.


公図 [KOUZU] (こうず)

The calculation of stresses and deformations caused by empty weight, earthquakes, strong winds and other loads on a structure. Determined the safety of the structure by this calculation.


構造計算 [KOUZOU KEISAN] (こうぞうけいさん)

Plywood that can create strength for walls and other structures.


構造用合板 [KOUZOU YOU GOUHAN] (こうぞうようごうはん)

A roadway that is used for public purposes.

* 私道 [SHIDOU] (しどう): Private road.


公道 [KOUDOU] (こうどう)

District where maximum building height limits are set for the preservation of the city’s environment


高度地区 [KOUDO CHIKU] (こうどちく)

Public auction


公売 [KOUBAI] (こうばい)

The sale and purchase of land in which the value is determined based on the area shown in the 土地登記簿 [TOCHI TOUKIBO] (とちとうきぼ) “land registry”.

  • 実測売買 [JISSOKU BAIBAI] (じっそくばいばい): The sale and purchase of land in which the value is determined based on the actual measured area


公簿売買 [KOUBO BAIBAI] (こうぼばいばい)

Property tax, real estate tax. Taxes imposed by the municipality on those who own land, houses, etc. as of January 1 of each year.


固定資産税 [KOTEI SHISAN ZEI] (こていしさんぜい)

The telephone is connected to the telephone station by means of a telephone cable, and the telephone number (area code and local area code) is determined by the location of the installation. It is the same meaning as a phone number provided by a telephone company NTT.


固定電話 [KOTEI DENWA (こていでんわ)

A building with piles of waste. It can be a social problem because it can be a nuisance to the neighborhood for fire and sanitation.


ゴミ屋敷 [GOMI YASHIKI] (ごみやしき)

One of the faucets that allows hot and cold water to flow out of a single outlet.