For foreigners searching for properties on real estate search sites, real estate jargon must be very difficult to understand.
On this page, we have listed some of the technical terms that are often used for rental and for sale properties.
- 1 家賃 [yachin] (やちん) : rent
- 1.0.1 家賃[yachin] (やちん) : Rent
- 1.0.2 管理費・共益費込み [kanri hi / kyoeki hi komi] (かんりひ・きょうえきひ こみ) : Management fee or/and common service fee included
- 1.0.3 駐車場込み [chushajo komi] (ちゅうしゃじょう こみ) : Parking lot included
- 1.0.4 敷金・保証金なし [reikin / hoshoukin nashi] (れいきん ほしょうきん なし) : No deposit or security deposit
- 1.0.5 初期費用なし [shoki hiyo nashi] (しょきひよう なし) : No initial fee
- 1.0.6 初期費用カード決済可 [shoki hiyo card kessai ka] (しょきひよう かーどけっさい か) : Initial fee can be paid by credit card
- 1.0.7 家賃カード決済可 [yachin card kessai ka] (やちん かーどけっさい か) : Rent can be paid credit card
- 2 駅徒歩 [eki tomo] (えきとほ) : walking distance from the nearest sta.
- 3 間取りタイプ [madori type] (まどりたいぷ) : types of layout
- 4 建物種別 [tatemono syubetsu] (たてものしゅべつ) : a type of building
- 5 建築年数 [kenchiku nensu] (けんちくねんすう) : Year of construction
- 6 構造 [kouzou] (こうぞう) : a type of structure
- 6.0.1 鉄骨鉄筋コンクリート造 [TEKKOTSU TEKKIN CONCRETE ZOU] (てっこつてっきんこんくりーとぞう)= SRC造 [SRC ZOU] (えすあーるしーぞう) : Steel Reinforced Concrete Structure
- 6.0.2 鉄筋コンクリート造 [TEKKIN CONCRETE ZOU] (てっきんこんくりーとぞう) = RC造 [RC ZOU] (あーるしーぞう) : Reinforced Concrete Structure
- 6.0.3 鉄骨造 [TEKKOTSU ZOU] (てっこつぞう) =S造 [S ZOU] (えすぞう) : Steel Structure
- 6.0.4 木造 [MOKUZOU] (もくぞう) : Wooden frame structure
- 7 表示条件 [hyoji jouken] (ひょうじじょうけん) : Conditions to display in search results
- 8 位置 [ichi ] (いち) : Location
- 9 室内設備 [shitsunai setsubi ] (しつないせつび) : Room facilities
- 9.0.1 室内洗濯機置場 [shitunai sentakuki okiba] (しつないせんたくきおきば)
- 9.0.2 洗面所独立 [senmenjo dokuritu] (せんめんじょどくりつ)
- 9.0.3 フローリング [flooring] (ふろーりんぐ)
- 9.0.4 メゾネット [maisonette] (めぞねっと)
- 9.0.5 ロフト[loft] (ろふと)
- 9.0.6 防音室 [bouon shitsu] (ぼうおんしつ)
- 9.0.7 地下室 [chikashitsu] (ちかしつ)
- 9.0.8 家具家電付き[kagu kaden tsuki] (かぐかでんつき)
- 9.0.9 エアコン付き[air-con tsuki] (えあこんつき)
- 9.0.10 床暖房 [yuka danbou] (ゆかだんぼう)
- 9.0.11 ガス暖房 [gas danbou] (がすだんぼう)
- 9.0.12 バス・トイレ別 [bath toilet betsu] (ばすといれべつ)
- 9.0.13 温水洗浄便座 [onsui senjou benza] (おんすいせんじょうべんざ)
- 9.0.14 浴室乾燥機 [yokushitsu kansouki] (よくしつかんそうき)
- 9.0.15 追い焚き風呂 [oidaki buro] (おいだきぶろ)
- 9.0.16 ガスコンロ対応 [gas conro taiou] (がすこんろたいおう)
- 9.0.17 IHコンロ [IH conro] (あいえいちこんろ)
- 9.0.18 コンロ2口以上 [conro futakuchi ijou] (こんろふたくちいじょう)
- 9.0.19 オール電化 [all denka] (おーるでんか)
- 9.0.20 システムキッチン [system kitchen] (しすてむきっちん)
- 9.0.21 カウンターキッチン [counter kitchen] (かうんたーきっちん)
- 10 建築設備 [kenchiku setsubi] (けんちくせつび) : Building facilities
家賃 [yachin] (やちん) : rent
家賃[yachin] (やちん) : Rent
管理費・共益費込み [kanri hi / kyoeki hi komi] (かんりひ・きょうえきひ こみ) : Management fee or/and common service fee included
If you put a check mark for this word, management fee or/and common service fee are included in rent.
込み [komi] (こみ) means “included”
駐車場込み [chushajo komi] (ちゅうしゃじょう こみ) : Parking lot included
If you put a check mark for this word, parking lot will be included in the apartment or house.
込み [komi] (こみ) means “included”
敷金・保証金なし [reikin / hoshoukin nashi] (れいきん ほしょうきん なし) : No deposit or security deposit
If you put a check mark for this word, no deposit or security deposit are charged.
なし [nashi] means No charge.
初期費用なし [shoki hiyo nashi] (しょきひよう なし) : No initial fee
If you put a check mark for this word, not only deposit or security deposit but also other initial fee such as agent fee will not be charged.
初期費用カード決済可 [shoki hiyo card kessai ka] (しょきひよう かーどけっさい か) : Initial fee can be paid by credit card
可 [ka] (か) means “available”. Initial fee can be paid by credit card, you can pay for all initial fee by credit card.
家賃カード決済可 [yachin card kessai ka] (やちん かーどけっさい か) : Rent can be paid credit card
If you put a check mark for this word, you can pay for your rent by credit card. Otherwise It must be transferred to the owner’s bank account.
駅徒歩 [eki tomo] (えきとほ) : walking distance from the nearest sta.
5分以内 [gofun inai] (ごふんいない) : within 5 min walk
10分以内 [juppun inai] (じゅっぷんいない) : within 10 min walk
* The distance you can walk in one minute is calculated as 80 meters.
間取りタイプ [madori type] (まどりたいぷ) : types of layout
ワンルーム = 1R[one room] (わんるーむ)
In almost all cases, bathroom type of 1R is a prefabricated bath , called ユニットバス [unit bath] (ゆにっとばす), where includes the tub, sink, and toilet all in one room.
- Typically very small kitchen with only one electric stove or no stove at all, in that case you’ll have to buy portable electric stove.
- It is too small space to cook.
- Some 1R apartments are equipped with a small fridge underneath of kitchen counter, because there is no space to place a normal size fridge.
- Most of 1R apartments do not have built-in closets.
- There is no space inside the apartment to place a washer.
- Remember that sleeping and cooking space are in one room.

1K [one k] (わんけー)
Abbreviation of K stands for “kitchen”.
- The most biggest difference is that the kitchen is separated from the bed room by a wall. So you don’t have to cook in the bed room.
- The kitchen itself is not very big.
- The size of bedroom is usually similar to the one of a 1R apartment,
- Not come with built-in closets.
- Some 1K apartment has a “unit bath” type bathroom, but some come with a separated type bathroom, which means a toilet is not in prefabricated bathroom.
- Kitchen space is very narrow and you are to use it as a corridor.

1DK [one d k] (わんでぃーけー)
D stands for “dining” and K stands for “kitchen”.
- If the DK (dining and kitchen) space is more bigger than 4~4.5-tatami mats (approx 6.6~7.4sqm), the apartment is recognized as DK. If not,it would be 1K.
- 1DK apartment is about in beween 25-sqm and 30-sqm.
- The bathroom may be a separated type or a “unit bath” type.
- Probably 1DK apartment has a built-in storage or closet.

1LDK [one l d k] (わんえるでぃーけー)
- 1LDK apartment has a proper bed room except for a kitchen, dining and living room.
- The bathroom should be a separate type.
- Most of 1LDK apartment has a built-in storage or closet.
- Rent is off course higher than other smaller layouts such as 1R, 1K and 1DK
- Since there is a proper bedroom, you should be able to add more furniture in your living room

2DK [ni d k] (にぃ でぃーけー)
- There are 2 bedrooms with a dining and kitchen.
- Recently this type of layout is not be built. So if you find this layout, the building should be quite old.
- If each room has a door to a dining room, you can share this apartment with your friends.
*You should ask for a agent if it is OK to live with a friends.

2LDK [ni l d k] (にぃ えるでぃーけー)
- There is a living/dining room, kitchen and 2 bedrooms.
- If each room has a door to a dining room, you can share this apartment with your friends.
*You should ask for a agent if it is OK to live with a friends. - Built lately, and designed for a couple
- Tend to be expensive

建物種別 [tatemono syubetsu] (たてものしゅべつ) : a type of building
マンション [mansion] (まんしょん)
Generally, MANSION apartments are built with no limit on the number of floors, and are constructed of steel, reinforced concrete and steel reinforced concrete.
* 賃貸マンション [CHINTAI MANSION] (ちんたいまんしょん) is built to rent out each room
* 分譲マンション [BUNJOU MANSION] (ぶんじょうまんしょん) is built by major developers and each unit is sold individually.
アパート [apart] (あぱーと)
APART apartments have two to three floors and are made of wood or light steel. Since the construction cost of an APART is lower than that of a MANSION, the rent also tends to be lower.
一戸建て [ikkodate] (いっこだて)
An independent house or a detached house.
タウンハウス [town house] (たうんはうす)
A townhouse is a type of housing complex like a condominium or apartment. It is a housing complex of several houses with walls connected to the neighboring houses. Most of them are low-rise houses with two or three stories. The land is shared as a site right according to the ratio of the exclusive area of the building.
テラスハウス [terrace house] (てらすはうす)
Terrace house is also connected to the walls of neighboring houses, so it looks very similar from the outside as a town house, but the rights to the land are very different. In a terrace house, each piece of land is owned individually, but in a townhouse, the land is shared as a site right according to the ratio of the exclusive area of the building.
二世帯住宅 [nisetai jyutaku] (にせたいじゅうたく)
Housing for parent and child households to live together. Separate kitchens, entrances, bathrooms and toilets for each household.
建築年数 [kenchiku nensu] (けんちくねんすう) : Year of construction
新築 [shinchiku] (しんちく)
No one lives in the house, and no more than one year has passed since the construction was completed.
3年以内 [ichinen inai] (いちねんいない)
less 3 years
構造 [kouzou] (こうぞう) : a type of structure
鉄骨鉄筋コンクリート造 [TEKKOTSU TEKKIN CONCRETE ZOU] (てっこつてっきんこんくりーとぞう)= SRC造 [SRC ZOU] (えすあーるしーぞう) : Steel Reinforced Concrete Structure
鉄筋コンクリート造 [TEKKIN CONCRETE ZOU] (てっきんこんくりーとぞう) = RC造 [RC ZOU] (あーるしーぞう) : Reinforced Concrete Structure
鉄骨造 [TEKKOTSU ZOU] (てっこつぞう) =S造 [S ZOU] (えすぞう) : Steel Structure
*軽量鉄骨造 [KEIRYO TEKKOTSU ZOU] (けいりょう てっこつぞう) : Lightweight steel Structure
*重量鉄骨造 [JYURYO TEKKOTSU ZOU] (じゅうりょう てっこつぞう) : Heavy steel Structure
*A steel structure with a thickness of 6 mm or more is called a “重量鉄骨造[JYURYO TEKKOTSU ZOU] (じゅうりょう てっこつぞう)” and one with a thickness of less than 6 mm is called a “軽量鉄骨造[KEIRYO TEKKOTSU ZOU] (けいりょう てっこつぞう)”.
木造 [MOKUZOU] (もくぞう) : Wooden frame structure
表示条件 [hyoji jouken] (ひょうじじょうけん) : Conditions to display in search results
本日の新着物件 [honjitsu no shinchaku bukken] (ほんじつのしんちゃくぶっけん)
The latest properties updated today
物件動画付き [bukken douga tsuki] (ぶっけんどうがつき)
Properties with movie
写真付き [shashin tsuki] (しゃしんつき)
Properties with photos
間取り図付き [madorizu tsuki] (まどりずつき)
Properties with layout
位置 [ichi ] (いち) : Location
1階 [ikkai] (いっかい)
The apartment located on the ground floor
The apartment located on the upper 2nd floor
The apartment located on the top floor
The apartment located on the corner
The apartment is facing South
室内設備 [shitsunai setsubi ] (しつないせつび) : Room facilities
室内洗濯機置場 [shitunai sentakuki okiba] (しつないせんたくきおきば)
The apartment has a place where you can put a washer in the room, not the valcony.
洗面所独立 [senmenjo dokuritu] (せんめんじょどくりつ)
Washroom is located in the apartment separately. Not in a ユニットバス [UNIT BATH] (ゆにっとばす) : Prefabricated bath (all-in-one type) which contains a bath sink with a shower, wash stand and toilet.
フローリング [flooring] (ふろーりんぐ)
The house or apartment a wooden flooring room
メゾネット [maisonette] (めぞねっと)
The apartment is a maisonette type.
ロフト[loft] (ろふと)
It has 2 meanings, as follows.
1. a room built using the space in the attic
2. Space that can be used as a storage room near the ceiling in a room with a large floor-to-ceiling height
In our country, it is mainly used in condominiums and apartments in the sense of 2.
防音室 [bouon shitsu] (ぼうおんしつ)
The house or apartment has a soundproof room.
地下室 [chikashitsu] (ちかしつ)
The property has a basement
家具家電付き[kagu kaden tsuki] (かぐかでんつき)
The apartment is equipped with appliances and furniture.
エアコン付き[air-con tsuki] (えあこんつき)
The property is equipped with a air-conditioner.
床暖房 [yuka danbou] (ゆかだんぼう)
The property is equipped with a floor heating system
ガス暖房 [gas danbou] (がすだんぼう)
The property is equipped with a gas heating system.
バス・トイレ別 [bath toilet betsu] (ばすといれべつ)
Toilet is not in a ユニットバス [UNIT BATH] (ゆにっとばす) : Prefabricated bath (all-in-one type) which contains a bath sink with a shower, wash stand and toilet. The toilet exists independently in one private room.
温水洗浄便座 [onsui senjou benza] (おんすいせんじょうべんざ)
Toilet is equipped with a toilet seat with warm water washing
浴室乾燥機 [yokushitsu kansouki] (よくしつかんそうき)
Bathroom in the property has a drying function
追い焚き風呂 [oidaki buro] (おいだきぶろ)
Bathroom in the property has a reheating function
ガスコンロ対応 [gas conro taiou] (がすこんろたいおう)
Kitchen in the property has a gas outlet so that you can put your own gas stove.
IHコンロ [IH conro] (あいえいちこんろ)
Kitchen in the property has a IH stove.
コンロ2口以上 [conro futakuchi ijou] (こんろふたくちいじょう)
There are more than 2 stoves in the kitchen.
オール電化 [all denka] (おーるでんか)
The house does not have gas installed, and all the energy can be provided by electricity.
システムキッチン [system kitchen] (しすてむきっちん)
The property is equipped with a system kitchen.
カウンターキッチン [counter kitchen] (かうんたーきっちん)
The kitchen in the property has a counter table. It should be a open kitchen.
建築設備 [kenchiku setsubi] (けんちくせつび) : Building facilities
駐車場2台以上 [chushajo 2 dai ijo] (ちゅうしゃじょう にだい いじょう)
over 2 parking lots in the property. *Land is small in Japan, so not many houses in the cities can park more than two cars.
バイク置場あり [baiku okiba ari] (ばいくおきばあり)
There is space for motorcycles (subject to apartments). *Most apartments have bicycle parking, but it is best to check in advance if there is space for bikes.
エレベーター [elevator] (えれべーたー)
There is an elevator in the building. *Most アパート [APARTO] apartments are two-story and do not have elevators. Most buildings, called マンション [MANSION] apartments, have elevators.
宅配ボックス [takuhai box] (たくはぼっくす)
There is a delivery box in the apartment. *There is a delivery box in the apartment. If there is a delivery box, the delivery driver will leave the package in the box even when the resident is not home.
バルコニー付 [balcony tsuki] (ばるこにーつき)
The property has a balcony.
専用庭 [senyoniwa] (せんようにわ)
If the apartment is on the first floor, it may have its own garden. Niwa means garden. Senyo means exclusive.
バリアフリー [barrier-free] (ばりあふりー)
Removing steps (from the floor) in a building is called “barrier-free”. If the apartment is claimed to be barrier-free, then it is designed to be safe for the elderly and has no problems with wheelchair access.