Real estate Terms -つ(TSU)-
月極駐車場 [TSUKIGIME CHUSHAJOU] (つきぎめちゅうしゃじょう)
Parking spaces leased on a month-to-month basis.
坪 [TSUBO] (つぼ)
A unit of measurement for land area and room size, roughly equivalent to 1 tsubo (3.3 square meters).
坪庭 [TSUBONIWA] (つぼにわ)
A narrow garden enclosed by buildings and walls in a Japanese style building
吊り戸棚 [TSURITODANA](つりとだな)
A shelf that is directly attached to the top of a wall or ceiling. They are often installed in an open space above a kitchen sink and used to store small items.