Advisor for RENOVATION, REPAIR, REAL ESTATE and CONSTRUCTION for foreigners living in Japan

Glossary of Real Estate Terms in Japan-か(KA),が(GA)-


Real estate Terms -か(KA),が(GA)-

買い換え特約 [KAIKAE TOKUYAKU] (かいかえとくやく)

When the buyer buys a property, the proceeds from the sale of another property are used to pay for the purchase of that property. This is KAIKAE. But when the sale of that property does not work out, the purchase of the property will not be possible as well.  Therefore, in an actual real estate transaction, if the sale of another real estate ends unsuccessfully, the buyer may include a special agreement 特約 [TOKUYAKU] (とくやく) that the contract to purchase the real estate can be canceled and the contract can be returned to a blank slate. This is called for KAIKAE TOKUYAKU.


解体 [KAITAI] (かいたい)

Demolish or tear down.


買取再販 [KAITORI SAIHAN] (かいとりさいはん)

It is a business form that buys an existing house and sells it after renovation work is carried out.


家屋番号 [KAOKU BANGOU] (かおくばんごう)

The number assigned to the building when registering real estate in registry office. It’s not the same as a residential indication of the location of a building. This is 住居表示 [JYUKYO HYOUJI] (じゅうきょひょうじ) .


火災保険 [KASAI HOKEN] (かさいほけん)

Fire insurance.  It is essential to take out fire insurance when renting an apartment.


瑕疵担保責任 [KASHI TANPO SEKININ] (かしたんぽせきにん)

The liability of the seller/contractor to the buyer/orderer in the performance of a sales or contractual agreement in the event that the property does not conform to the terms of the agreement in terms of type or quality.


課税証明書 [KAZEI SHOUMEISHO] (かぜいしょうめいしょ)

Documents proving the taxable amount of the inhabitant tax.

*非課税証明書 [HIKAZEI SHOUMEISHO] (ひかぜい しょうめいしょ): Documents proving that the amount of inhabitant tax is zero.


課税標準 [KAZEI HYOUJUN] (かぜいひょうじゅん)

The base of taxation. The value to be multiplied by the tax rate when calculating the amount of the tax (tax = base of taxation x tax rate).


片流れ屋根 [KATANAGARE YANE] (かたながれやね)

A type of roof with a slope from one side in one direction only.


合筆登記 [GAPPITSU TOUKI] (がっぴつとうき)

The registration of several lots of land to be combined into one lot.


角部屋 [KADOBEYA] (かどべや)

A dwelling unit at the end of a corridor on each floor of a condominium, rental apartment, or apartment building, or a dwelling unit at the end of a corridor that is refracted, if the corridor is refracted.


かぶり [KABURI] (かぶり)

The thickness (or depth) from the concrete surface to the rebar [TEKKIN] is called “TEKKIN KABURI”. The greater the thickness of the cover, the longer the life of the building will be.


框 [KAMACHI] (かまち)

A member that forms the frame of a shoji. Wood passing to the edge of the floor.


茅葺屋根 [KAYABUKI YANE] (かやぶきやね)

A roof thatched with thatch. Although it has excellent thermal insulation properties, it has a weakness in fire resistance and must be replaced periodically.


がらり戸 [GARARIDO] (がらりど)

It is often used in bathrooms and closets because of its excellent ventilation and ventilation, as well as direct sunlight and line of sight blocking.


ガルバリウム鋼板 [GARIBARIUM GOUHAN] (がりばりうむ ごうはん)

Steel plate plated by aluminum and zinc alloy. It is used as a roofing material and an exterior wall material. It is cheaper than stainless steel plate, but its anti-corrosion performance is said to be inferior.


瓦葺き屋根 [KAWARABUKI YANE] (かわらぶき やね)

A roof that is roofed with tiles. While it has excellent fire resistance and durability, it is highly loaded.


元金均等返済 [GANRI KINTO HENSAI] (がんりきんとうへんさい)

How to repay the borrowed principal in equal amounts each term. The amount to be paid in each period is greater the earlier the payment period is made and less the later the payment period is made since the principal to be repaid plus the interest on the outstanding loan balance.

*元利均等返済[GANRI KINTO HENSAI](がんりきんとうへんさい): Method of adjusting principal repayments so that the amount of each period’s payment is equal


関東間 [KANTOU MA] (かんとうま)

The basic module of the Japanese traditional house, mainly used in the Kanto region. It is slightly narrower than the Kyoma [KYOMA] (きょうま).  The distance between pillars (the distance from the center of the pillar to the center of the pillar), which is the basis for designing a traditional Japanese house, is called “1間 [IKKEN] (いっけん)”.  A Kanto-ma is a house that measures 6尺 [SHAKU] (しゃく) (about 181.2 cm) from this IKKEN.


改築 [KAICHIKU] (かいちく)

To demolish all or part of a building and construct a building of similar size and structure at the same time.


カウンターキッチン [COUNTER KITCHEN] (かうんたーきっちん)

A kitchen in which a counter (stand) is installed between the kitchen (kitchen) and the dining room (dining room) to exchange food, etc., or a kitchen built in that manner.


隠れたる瑕疵 [KAKURETARU KASHI] (かくれたるかし)

A defect that was not known to the buyer at the time the sales contract was signed but was not discovered despite the buyer’s exercise of caution as normally required.


家事動線 [KAJI DOSEN] (かしどうせん)

Movement path for household chores. Since different household chores are often done in different places, the floor plan and the arrangement of furniture and equipment can make a big difference in the flow line.


瑕疵物件 [KASHI BUKKEN] (かしぶっけん)

Property that is the subject of a transaction when there is a physical or legal defect that the parties to the transaction did not anticipate.


ガス給湯器 [GAS KYUTOUKI] (がすきゅうとうき)

A device that instantaneously boils water by burning gas and carries it to the water taps in kitchens, washbasins, baths, and showers to provide hot water.


勝手口 [KATTEGUCHI] (かってぐち)

A separate entrance to the kitchen or service yard.


割賦販売 [KAPPU HANBAI] (かっぷはんばい)

Installment selling. A sales method in which the purchase price is divided and paid periodically within a certain period of time.


家庭菜園 [KATEI SAIEN] (かていさいえん)

Cultivation sites or activities where vegetables and fruits are grown lightly or on a small scale on non-farm land. Unlike cultivation on ordinary farmland, cultivation in home gardens is usually done as a recreation or a hobby, and the vegetables and fruits cultivated are mainly used for home consumption.


角地 [KADOCHI] (かどち)

Corner lot  Land with a line (road) in front and on the side.


鴨居 [KAMOI] (かもい)

A horizontal material on the upper side of a house opening. A groove is carved to fit a 障子[SHOJI](しょうじ), a 襖 [FUSUMA] (ふすま) or a 引き戸 [HIKIDO] (ひきど), etc.

*敷居[SHIKII](しきい): A horizontal material that divides the inside and outside of a gate or divides a room, and at the same time serves to receive fittings.


ガラストップコンロ [GARASU TOP KONRO] (がらす とっぷ こんろ)

Gas stove with a tempered glass top. While the surface is resistant to scratches and stains and is easy to care for, the glass may crack when subjected to a strong impact.


管理組合 [KANRI KUMIAI] (かんりくみあい)

An organization formed under the Compartmentalized Ownership Law for the purpose of managing buildings and grounds, etc., by compartmentalized owners of condominiums and other compartmentally owned buildings.