Advisor for RENOVATION, REPAIR, REAL ESTATE and CONSTRUCTION for foreigners living in Japan

English Kyoto Prefecture Map – All local governments (Cities, Towns, Villages) included

English Kyoto Prefecture Map

For Japanese, it is not difficult to read and write the names of local government (cities, towns and village). Also, if the name of the area is in the vicinity of where you live, you may have heard of many place names, such as station names, name of local governments, high s-chool names. However, for foreigners, it is very difficult to understand how to read the names of regions in Japanese, as they are different from the normal way of reading them. In spite of the fact that it is difficult to read the Kanji itself.
So I created a English Kyoto Map with all the cities, towns, villages and areas listed on it in Kanji, Hiragana and Romaji, which should be very helpful for foreigners.

In Kyoto, there are 15 cities, 10 towns and 1 village. In total 26 地方自治体 [CHIHOU JICHITAI] (ちほうじちたい) “local governments”.

*京都府 [Kyoto-fu] (きょうと ふ) is one of the 都道府県 [TO DO FU KEN] (とどうふけん).
*都道府県 [TO DO FU KEN] (とどうふけん) consist of 47 prefectures. (43 県[KEN](けん) , 2 府 [FU](ふ) “Urban prefectures”; Osaka Fu and Kyoto Fu, 1 道 [DŌ] (どう) “Circuit/Territory”; Hokkai DŌ and 1 都 [TO] (と); Tokyo To.
*To know more detail information about Japanese addressing system, please refer to Wikipedia

県庁所在地:Prefectural Capital

京都市 [KYOTO-shi] (きょうと し)

How many wards in Kyoto-shi?

There are 11 wards in Osaka-shi
北区 [Kita-ku] (きた く)
上京区 [Kamigyo-ku] (かみぎょう く)
左京区 [Sakyo-ku] (さきょう く)
中京区 [Nakagyo-ku] (なかぎょう く)
東山区 [Higashiyama-ku] (ひがしやま く)
山科区 [Yamashina-ku] (やましな く)
下京区 [Shimogyo-ku] (しもぎょう く)
南区 [Minami-ku] (みなみ く)
右京区 [Ukyo-ku] (うきょう く)
西京区 [Nishikyo-ku] (にしきょう く)
伏見区 [Fushimi-ku] (ふしみ く)


WHERE IS 丹後 [Tango] (たんご) area IN KYOTO?

宮津市 [Miyazu-shi] (みやず し)
京丹後市 [Kyotango-shi] (きょうたんご し)
与謝郡 [Yosa-gun] (よさ ぐん) 伊根町 [Ine-cho] (いね ちょう)
与謝郡 [Yosa-gun] (よさ ぐん) 与謝野町 [Yosano-cho] (よさの ちょう)

WHERE IS 中丹 [Chutan] (ちゅうたん) area IN KYOTO?

舞鶴市 [Maizuru-shi] (まいずる し)
綾部市 [Ayabe-shi] (あやべ し)
福知山市 [Fukuchiyama-shi] (ふくちやま し)

WHERE IS 南丹 [Nantan] (なんたん) area IN KYOTO?

亀岡市 [Kameoka-shi] (かめおか し)
南丹市 [Nantan-shi] (なんたん し)
船井郡 [Funai-gun] (ふない ぐん) 京丹波町 [Kyotanba-cho] (きょうたんば ちょう)

WHERE IS 丹波 [Tanba] (たんば) area IN KYOTO?

丹波篠山市 [Tanba sasayama-shi] (たんば ささやまし)
丹波市 [Tanba-shi] (たんば し)

WHERE IS 山城 [Yamashiro] (やましろ) area IN KYOTO?

乙訓 [Otokuni] (おとくに) 
向日市 [Muko-shi] (むこう し)
長岡京市 [Nagaokakyo-shi] (ながおかきょう し)
乙訓郡 [Otokuni-gun] (おとくに ぐん) 大山崎町  [Oyamazaki-cho] (おおやまざき ちょう)

山城中部 [Yamashiro Chubu] (やましろちゅうぶ)
宇治市 [Uji-shi] (うじ し)
城陽市 [Joyo-shi] (じょうよう し)
八幡市 [Yawata-shi] (やわた し)
京田辺市 [Kyotanabe-shi] (きょうたなべ し)
久世郡 [Kuze-gun] (くぜ ぐん) 久御山町 [Kumiyama-cho] (くみやま ちょう)
綴喜郡 [Tsuzuki-gun] (つづき ぐん)  井手町 [Ide-cho] (いで ちょう)
綴喜郡 [Tsuzuki-gun] (つづき ぐん) 宇治田原町 [Uji tawara-cho] (うじたわら ちょう)

相楽 [SOURA] (そうら)
木津川市 [Kizugawa-shi] (きずがわ し)
相楽郡 [Soura-gun] (さがら ぐん) 笠置町 [Kasagi-cho] (かさぎ ちょう)
相楽郡 [Soura-gun] (さがら ぐん)和束町 [Wazuka-cho] (わずか ちょう)
相楽郡 [Soura-gun] (さがら ぐん)精華町 [Seika-cho] (せいか ちょう)
相楽郡 [Soura-gun] (さがら ぐん)南山城村 [Minami yamashiro-mura] (みなみ やましろ むら)