Advisor for RENOVATION, REPAIR, REAL ESTATE and CONSTRUCTION for foreigners living in Japan

Real estate terms on the flyer


Important words on real estate advertisement

売り= 売~ [URI] (うり)

For sale

賃貸 [CHINTAI] (ちんたい) = 貸し [KASHI] (かし)

For rent

Type of property – 住宅 [JYUTAKU] (じゅうたく) “Residential Property”

Residential property 新築 [SHINCHIKU] (しんちく) 中古 [CHUKO] (ちゅうこ)
戸建て[KODATE] (こだて) 新築戸建て [SHINCHIKU KODATE] (しんちくこだて) “A newly built house” 中古戸建て [CHUKO KODATE] (ちゅうここだて) “An existing home, an older home “
マンション [MANSION] (まんしょん) 新築マンション [SHINSHIKU MANSION] (しんちくまんしょん) “A newly built apartment” 中古マンション [CHUKO MANSION] (ちゅうこまんしょん) “A second-hand apartment, a second-hand flat”
アパート [APARTO] (あぱーと) 新築アパート [SHINCHIKU APARTO] (しんちくあぱーと) “A newly built apartment” 中古アパート [CHUKO APARTO] (ちゅうこあぱーと) “A second-hand apartment, a second-hand flat”

What’s the difference between MANSION and APARTO


Types of leasehold estate in Japan.   Feature Lease Contract / Period of the lease contract Either 普通借家契約[…]

マンション [MANSION] (まんしょん)

Rental apartment, relatively larger than アパート[APARTO], it should be reinforced concrete structure with an elevator. It’s not the same meaning of mansion in English.

アパート [APARTO] (あぱーと)

Most of them are two-story wooden structures. Cheaper than MANSION.

分譲マンション [BUNJO MANSION] (ぶんじょうまんしょん)

Condominium, 3-4 LDK type is being marketed to families. Some owners purchase a 1K or 1LDK condominium for investment objective to rent it out for a couple or single person.

分譲賃貸 [BUNJO CHINTAI] (ぶんじょうちんたい)

In case the owner rent out his/her condominium, it is called 分譲賃貸 [BUNJO CHINTAI] (ぶんじょうちんたい)

区分所有 [KUBUN SHOYU] (くぶんしょゆう)

Owning a parcel of condominiums is called 区分所有 [KUBUN SHOYU]. It may call 区分マンション [KUBUN MANSION] (くぶんまんしょん)

新築 [SHINCHIKU] (しんちく)

Newly built house / building.

未入居物件 [MINYUKYO BUKKEN] (みにゅうきょ ぶっけん)

A property that no one lives in yet is called 未入居物件 [MINYUKYO BUKKEN] (みにゅうきょ ぶっけん)

中古 [CHUKO] (ちゅうこ)

An existing home / an older home / a second-hand

戸建て[KODATE] (こだて) = 一軒家 [IKKENYA] (いっけんや)

Detached house, Single-house. To build a house, of course, you have to need land.  Foreigners can buy land in Japan. There are no restrictions on owning land in Japan. Actually, due to the upcoming 2020 Tokyo Olympics, foreigners who want to buy property in Japan are increasing

テラスハウス [TERRACE HOUSE] (てらすはうす)

A two-story row of dwellings. Each dwelling unit’s lot is solely owned by each dwelling unit.

事務所 [JIMUSHO] (じむしょ) = オフィス (おふぃす)


店舗 [TEMPO] (てんぽ)

If it’s mentioned “店舗”, the tenant can use the property for a store or a restaurant.  In case of 店舗住宅 [TENPO JYUTAKU] (てんぽじゅうたく), the property has both resident area and business area.

倉庫 [SOUKO] (そうこ)


月極駐車場 [TUKIGIME CHUSHAJOU] (つきぎめちゅうしゃじょう)

Rental parking lot

注文住宅 [CHUMON JYUTAKU] (ちゅうもん じゅうたく)

Custom-Built House, Made-to-Order House. You have to own the land first and order a custom-built house by a housebuilder.

建売住宅 [TATEURI JYUTAKU] (たてうり じゅうたく)

A single-house built on a subdivision housing and sold together with the site. A purchaser buys a house with the site.

売建住宅 [URITATE JYUTAKU] (うりたて じゅうたく)

A single-house built as a subdivision housing by a developer. When subdividing a developed lot, the purchaser of the lot simultaneously orders the sub divider (developer) to build a house on the lot. *建築条件付きの土地 [KENCHIKU JOKEN TSUKI NO TOCHI]: Developed subdivisions with a requirement to build on the land

Type of property – 投資 [TOUSHI] (とうし) “Investment Property”

Investment property 一棟 [ITTOU] (いっとう) “whole building” 区分所有 [KUBUN SHOYU] (くぶんじょう) ” A parcel of condominium”
マンション [MANSION] (まんしょん) 一棟マンション [ITTOU MANSION] (いっとうまんしょん) = 一棟売りマンション [ITTOU URI MANSION] (いっとううりまんしょん) “Whole building for sale (residency purpose)”
*In case the room types are 1 rooms for a single person, it called ワンルームマンション [WAN ROOM MANSION] (わんるーむまんしょん).
*In case the buildings is for families, it called ファミリーマンション [FAMILY MANSION] (ふぁみりーまんしょん)
区分所有マンション [KUBUN SHOYU MANSION] (くぶんしょゆうまんしょん) “A parcel of condominium for sale”
アパート [APARTO] (あぱーと) 一棟アパート [ITTOU APARTO] (いっとうあぱーと) = 一棟売りアパート [ITTOU URI APARTO] (いっとううりあぱーと) “Whole building  for sale (residency purpose)” APARTO is not sold as 区分所有 [KUBUN SHOYU] (くぶんしょゆう)
テナントビル [TENANT BIRU] (てなんとびる) 一棟テナントビル [ITTOU TENANRO BIRU] (いっとうてなんと びる) = 商業ビル [SHOUGYOU BIRU] (しょうぎょうびる) “Whole building for sale (business purpose such as offices or stores)” N/A
事務所 [JIMUSHO] (じむしょ) = オフィス (おふぃす) N/A 売り事務所 [URI JIMUSHO] (うりじむしょ) “A parcel of condominium for sale (the purpose of usage is an office)”
店舗 [TEMPO] (てんぽ) N/A 売り店舗 [URI TENPO] (うりてんぽ) “A parcel of condominium for sale (the purpose of usages are a store or a restaurant)”

投資用物件 [TOUSHI YOH BUKKEN] (とうしようぶっけん) = 収益物件 [SYUEKI BUKKEN] (しゅうえきぶっけん)

Investment property

売り土地 [URI TOCHI] (うりとち)

land for sale


1R=1Room [WAN ROOM] (わんるーむ)

1K [WAN K] (わんけい)

1DK [WAN  D K] (わん でぃーけい)

1LDK [WAN L D K] (わん える でぃーけい)

2DK [NI D K] (にぃ でぃーけい)

2LDK [NI L D K] (にぃ える でぃーけい)

3LDK [SAN L D K] (さん える でぃーけい)

4LDK [YON L D K] (よん える でぃーけい)

Read more detail about Layout here.


What is CL, UB and DK on the apartment layout? About JAPANESE APARTMENT LAYOUTS: If you are starting house hunting in J[…]


Do you understand the differences to these abbreviations symbols? Here in Japan, most of the apartment for a single p[…]

セパレートタイプ [SEPARATE TYPE] (せぱれーとたいぷ)

It tells you that the bathroom is not a ユニットバス [UNIT BATH] (ゆにっとばす) : Prefabricated waterproof room that contains the bathroom sink and bath/shower. In some cases, the toilet will also be included in this room.
SEPARATE TYPE bathroom means that there exist a toilet separately, not in the bathroom. Most of the relatively new apartments or condominiums built recently are with SEPARATE TYPE.

帖=畳 [JOU] (じょう)

– 1 JOU is about 1.65 sq m.
– Typical bed room size for a 1K, 1R or 1DK is 6JOU ~ 8JOU
– 6-tatami mats room is about 9.9 sq m.
– The numbers of JOU in the floor plan tells you the approximate size of the room. One tatami mat is equal to 1.65 sqm.

Property summary

所在地 [SHOZAICHI] (しょざいち)

The address where the property resides

交通 [KOUTSU] (こうつう)

Transportation to access the property

最寄り駅 [MOYORI EKI] (もよりえき)

The nearest station to the property

建築年月 [KENCHIKU NENGETSU] (けんちくねんげつ) = 築年月 [CHIKU NENGETSU] (ちくねんげつ)

The month and year built the building
Need to convert from 西暦 [SEIREKI] (せいれき) “AD / Western calendar” to 和暦 [WAREKI] (われき) “Japanese calendar”?


Conversion from AD / Western calendar 西暦 [SEIREKI] (せいれき) to Japanese calendar 和暦 [WAREKI] (われき) What is 令和 [REIWA] (れい[…]

徒歩 [TOHO] (とほ)

On foot. If its’ mentioned “徒歩10分” [TOHO JYUPPUN] (とほじゅっぷん), it takes 10 minutes to the nearest station.
*On the promotional flyer of real estate, one minute translates into 80 meters. For example if it is 10-minutes walking to the station 徒歩10分[TOHO JYUPPUN], the distance from the station is 800m. But it’s not being taken into account the time to wait at the light or railroad crossing.

構造 [KOUZOU] (こうぞう)

A type of structure.

  • 鉄骨鉄筋コンクリート造 [TEKKOTSU TEKKIN CONCRETE ZOU] (てっこつてっきんこんくりーとぞう)= SRC造 [SRC ZOU] (えすあーるしーぞう) : Steel Reinforced Concrete Structure
  • 鉄筋コンクリート造 [TEKKIN CONCRETE ZOU] (てっきんこんくりーとぞう) = RC造 [RC ZOU] (あーるしーぞう) : Reinforced Concrete Structure
  • 鉄骨造 [TEKKOTSU ZOU] (てっこつぞう) =S造 [S ZOU] (えすぞう) : Steel Structure
    *軽量鉄骨造 [KEIRYO TEKKOTSU ZOU] (けいりょう てっこつぞう) : Lightweight steel Structure
    *重量鉄骨造 [JYURYO TEKKOTSU ZOU] (じゅうりょう てっこつぞう) : Heavy steel Structure
    *A steel structure with a thickness of 6 mm or more is called a “重量鉄骨造[JYURYO TEKKOTSU ZOU] (じゅうりょう てっこつぞう)” and one with a thickness of less than 6 mm is called a “軽量鉄骨造[KEIRYO TEKKOTSU ZOU] (けいりょう てっこつぞう)”.
  • 木造 [MOKUZOU] (もくぞう) : Wooden frame structure

専有面積 [SENYU MENSEKI] (せんゆうめんせき)

The area of a building in a condominium that is owned solely by each of the unit owners

容積率 [YOUSEKI RITSU] (ようせきりつ)

Floor area ratio. It is the value of the total area divided by the site area.
For example, if the site area is 100 square meters and the total area of the house on the site is 90 square meters, the floor area ratio of this house is 90%.

建ぺい率 [KENPEI RITSU] (けんぺいりつ)

It is the value of the building area divided by the site area.
For example, if the site area is 100 square meters and the building area of the house on the site is 50 square meters, the building coverage ratio of this house is 50%.

利回り [RIMAWARI] (りまわり)



敷金 [SHIKIKIN] (しききん)

Money deposited by the tenant to the landlord at the time of entering into a new lease of a building for the following purposes

1. security for non-payment of rent or non-payment of rent
2. Advance payment of repair and restoration costs to be borne by the tenant according to the contract
When the contract is terminated in the future, the remaining amount after deducting the amounts mentioned in 1. and 2. above will be returned to the tenant. In the Kansai region, this is the practice of “Shikibiki”.

敷引 [SHIKIBIKI] (しきびき)

A system whereby a certain portion of the security deposit paid by the tenant to the landlord is not returned to the tenant. This non-returnable amount. This is a practice only in the Kansai region.

礼金 [REIKIN] (れいきん)

Money paid by the tenant to the landlord when signing a new building lease as a gratuity for signing the lease. It will not be returned to the tenant when the contract is terminated and the tenant moves out in the future.

家賃 [YACHIN] (やちん)


更新料 [KOSHIN RYOU] (こうしんりょう)

It means “renewal fee”. A typical rental agreement is two years. The fee you pay to renew your lease every two years. Depending on the area, some areas have renewal fees and others do not. Kanto and Kyoto have renewal fees. Even in the Kansai area, there are no renewal fees in all other prefectures except Kyoto.

火災保険 [KASAI HOKEN] (かさいほけん)

Fire insurance.  It is normally essential to take out fire insurance when renting an apartment. In most of cases it mentions 要加入 [YOU KANYU] (ようかにゅう), meaning that you must have that insurance.

駐車場 [CHYUSHAJOU] (ちゅうしゃじょう)

Parking lot

鍵交換代 [KAGI KOUKAN DAI] (かぎこうかんだい)

A charge to change the locks on the front door. Since the locks will be changed for the next tenant when you move out, you may be charged in advance before you move in.

相談可 [SOUDAN KA] (そうだんか)

Condition should be negotiable

ペット可 [PET KA] (ぺっとか) = ペット飼育可 [PET SHIIKU KA] (ぺっとしいくか)

You can have a pet in the property.



エアコン [AIR CON] (えあこん)

Air conditioner. If it’s mentioned “エアコン”, the property is equipped with an air-conditioner.

床暖房 [YUKADANBOU] (ゆかだんぼう)

Floor heating. If it’s mentioned “床暖房”, the property is equipped with a floor heating.

温水洗浄便座 [ONSUI SENJOU BENZA] (おんすいせんじょうべんざ)

Electric toilet seat. If it’s mentioned “温水洗浄便座”, the property is equipped with an electric toilet seat.

追い焚き機能 [OIDAKI KINOU] (おいだききのう)

The function of reheating the water in the bath to raise the temperature when the temperature of the water in the bath drops over time or due to bathing. If it’s mentioned “追い焚き機能”, the property is equipped with reheating function in the bath.

メゾネット [MAISONETTE] (めぞねっと) = ロフト [LOFT] (ろふと)

A ladder can take you up to the loft; if it’s an apartment for one person, it’s almost just a small space to sleep in

CATV  (けーぶるてれび)

It means Cable TV. If it’s mentioned “CATV”, the apartment is equipped with cable TV. If so, you can also watch some of CS and BS.


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光ファイバー [HIKARI FIBER] (ひかりふぁいばー)

Optical fiber for internet. If it’s mentioned “光ファイバー”, the apartment is equipped with an optical fiber for internet.

オートロック [AUTOLOCK] (おーとろっく)

Automatic door lock, The function that the door automatically locks when the door is closed. If it’s mentioned “オートロック”, the entrance of the building equipped with an automatic lock. It does not mean that it’s for the entrance of each apartment room.

3口コンロ [MITSUKUCHI KONRO] (みつくちこんろ)

3 stoves in the kitchen

IHコンロ [AI EICHI KONRO] (あいえいち こんろ)

Electric cooking stove. If the apartment is for a single person such as 1 room, 1K, it often has only one stove. Since it is electric, it takes a long time to get hot.

オール電化 [ALL  DENKA] (おーるでんか)

The house does not have gas installed, and all the energy can be provided by electricity.


眺望良好 [CHOUBOU RYOUKOU] (ちょうぼう りょうこう)

Good viewing. If it’s mentioned “高層階につき眺望良好”, it means that the room is on a higher floor and has a better view. 高層階 [KOUSOUKAI] (こうそうかい) means a higher floor.

日当たり良好=陽当り [HIATARI RYOUKOU] (ひあたり りょうこう)

A lot of sun / sunlight / sunshine / a sunny room.

閑静 [KANSEI] (かんせい)

Quiet. If it’s mentioned “閑静な住宅街”, it means that the room is located in a quiet residential area.  住宅街 [JYUTAKUGAI] (じゅうたくがい) means “residential area”.