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Kansai-ben Dialect (Osaka-ben Dialect)

Listing for Kansai (Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Nara, Shiga and Wakayama) area Dialect

まいど [MAIDO]

It is the first greeting a salesman, business man, or merchant gives when visiting a customer. Maid is an abbreviation of まいど ありがとうございます [MAIDO ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU] (まいどありがとうございます)”Thanks for always (Thank you for always buying our products every time you come into our store.) “. 毎度 [MAIDO] (まいど) means “every time”

めっちゃ [MECHA]

Add this word to emphasize adjectives instead of とても [TOTEMO]  “so, really, super”.

  • めっちゃ いたい [MECHA ITAI] “It really hurts.”
  • めっちゃ でかい [MECHA DEKAI] “It’s  supers big”
  • めっちゃ かわいい [MECHA KAWAII] “It’s so cute.”

あかん [AKAN]

A word to add at the end of a sentence when you deny something.

  • それはあかん [SOREWA AKAN] “That’s not good.”
  • あかん もんはあかん [AKAN MON WA AKAN] “No means no”
  • たべたら あかん [TABETARA AKN] “Don’t eat it.”

ちゃう [CHAU]

Comes from 違う[CHIGAU] (ちがう) , CHIGAU means “No” or “Different”.

– Use it to deny the other  person’s question.

これが前からあんたがほしかったやつ [KORE GA MAE KARA ANTA GA HOSHIKATTA YATSU?] “Is this the one you have wanted for a long time?”
—->>> ちゃうで  [CHAU DE], ちゃうよ [CHAU YO], ちゃうわ [CHAUWA], ちゃうちゃう [CHAU CHAU] “No, it’s not.”

– Use it to express the difference

たこやき と おこのみやき っておなじ?[TAKOYAKI TO OKONOMIYAKI TTE ONAJI?] “Is Takoyaki the different from Okonomi-yaki? ”
—->>> ぜんぜん ちゃうで [ZENZEN CHAU DE] “Yes, it’s completely different.”


ほんま [HONMA]

Comes from 本当 [HONTOU] (ほんとう) , HONTOU means “So” or “Really”

– Use it to emphasis on adjectives
ほんまきれいや [HONMA KIREIYA] “It is so beautiful.”

– Use it to emphasis on verb
ほんまにいたいわ [HONMANI ITAI WA] “It hurts so much.”

– Use it to confirm the truth
それ ほんま なん? [SORE HONMA NAN?] “Is it true?”

なんぼ [NANBO]

It means “How much” or “How many”.

  • それ なんぼ? [SORE NANBO?] “How much is it?”
  • なんぼでも食べれるわ [NANBO DEMO TABERERUWA] ”I can eat as much as I want.”
  • チャンスはなんぼでもある [CHANCE WA NANBO DEMO ARU] “You have so many chances ahead of you”

どない [DONAI]

When greeting someone good friend, it means “How’s is going?”

  • (体調は)どない? [(TAICHOU WA) DONAI?] “How are you feeling?”
  • (状況は)どない? [(JOUKYOU WA) DONAI?] “How is the situation going?”
  • (彼との関係は) どない? [KARE TONO KANKEI WA] “What’s going on with your boyfriend?”

おかん [OKAN]

It means “Mom”.  おとん[OTON] means “Dady”. Adolescent boys become embarrassed to call their mother ママ [MAMA] (まま), お母さん [OKAA SAN] (おかあさん). So Okan or Oton was used by the only son over 12 to 16 years old.

まじで [MAJIDE]

A reaction of amazement at what the other person said, meaning ” Really”

  • まじで? [MAJIDE?] “Really?”

When you want to emphasize that what you said is true, meaning “That’s true.”

  • (~してん)、まじで。[(BRA BRA SHITEN), MAJIDE] “That’s true.”

まくど [MAKUDO]

”Makudo” is an abbreviation for McDonald’s.  In Kansai area they pronounce it.
“MAKUDO” for McDonald’s. In other area people say “Mac” for McDonald’s.

まくど いく?[MAKUDO IKU?] “Why don’t we go to McDonald’s? ”

ずぼら [ZUBORA]

It means “lazy” or “no brainer”

  • 私は ずぼら な人間です。[WATASHI WA ZUBORA NA NINGEN DESU]  “I am a lazy person.”
  • これは ずぼら なレシピです。[KOREWA ZUBORA NA RECIPI DESU] “This is a no brainer recipe.”

ほかす [HOKASU]

In standard Japanese, it says すてる [SUTERU] , it means “throw away”

  • これほかしといて。[KORE HOKASHITOITE]  “Can you throw this away?”

ゆにば [YUNIBA]

Kansai people call Universal Studio Japan “YUNIBA”.

  • ゆにば いかへん [YUNIBA IKAHEN]  “Why don’t you go to USJ?”

せこい [SEKOI]

There are 2 meanings. One is “stingy”, another one is “not fair”.

  • あいつ せこいわ [AITSU SEKOIWA] =あいつ けちやわ [AITSU KECHI YAWA] “He’s such a stingy.”
    KECHI is the same meaning as SEKOI.
  • せこいわ [SEKOIWA] =せっこー [SEKKO] “That’s not fair!”

えらい [ERAI]

There are 3 meanings.
1. excellent
2. high position/status
3. I am tired.

  • 1. 勉強してんの?[BENKYO SHITEN NO?] “Are you studying?” あんたえらいな [ANTA ERAINA] “You are excellent!”
  • 2. あの人はえらい さんやで [ANO HITO WA ERAI SAN YADE] “He has a high status (in society).” / “He has a high position (in the company).”
  • 3. 今日、めっちゃえらいわ [KYO MECHA ERAIWA] “I am  super tired today.”

なおす [NAOSU]

There are 2 meanings.
1. Put away かたずける[KATAZUKERU] in standard Japanese.
2. Fix しゅうりする[SYURI SURU] in standard Japanese.

  • 1. おもちゃ をなおしなさい。[OMOCHA WO NAOSHINASAI] ”Put away the toys!”
  • 2.  これなおしてくれへん? [KORE NAOSHITE KUREHEN] “Can you fix this?”


どつく[DOTSUKU] is the almost same meaning as しばく.
なぐる [NAGURU] in standard Japanese. They can be translated “hit” or “beat up”

  • あいつ をしばく [AITSU WO SHIBAKU] ”I will beat him up.”
  • あいつらにボコボコにしばかれた。[AITSURA NI BOKOBOKO NI SHIBAKARETA] “I was awfully beaten by them.”

ぬくい [NUKUI]

あたたかい [ATATAKAI] or あったかい [ATTAKAI] in standard Japanese. They  can be translated “warm”.

  • きょう、ぬくいな [KYO NUKUI NA] ”It’s warm today.”
  • そのセーターぬくそう[SONO SWEATER NUKUSOU] “That sweater looks warm.”

ぼける [BOKERU]

People in Osaka like to joke and converse with each other, even with ordinary people! In order to make conversation fun, the role of “BOKE” is to makes errors, or to act stupid, and the role of “TSUKKOMI” is to correct what “BOKE” said in a serious manner to further enhance the laughter.

BOKERU is a verb of BOKE. TSUKKOMU is a verb of TSUKKOMI.

漫才[MANZA](まんざい) usually involves two performers (manzaishi) -a funny man (boke) and a straight man (tsukkomi) trading jokes at great speed. Most of the jokes revolve around mutual misunderstandings, double-talk, puns and other verbal gags.”

Example )At a station ticket machine

  • BOKE : 「おれ、せがひくいから、こどもりょうきんでえぇやろ。」[ORE SEGA HIKUI KARA KODOMO RYOKIN DE E-YARO] “Well, I’m short, so maybe I can get a child fare ticket.”

    TSUKKOMI : 「いや、あかんやろ!」[IYA AKAN YARO] “No, you can’t !”

べった [BETTA]

最下位 [SAIKAI](さいかい) in standard Japanese. It means “on the bottom of the list”. This dialect varies by region.
べった [BETTA] べべ [BEBE] どんべ [DONBE] どべ [DOBE] are all same meanings.